Un gatito inconsciente yace en un charco de aguas residuales fétidas, indefenso en su súplica, luciendo tan desvalido.

En una escena verdaderamente angustiante, un gatito inconsciente yace inmóvil en un charco de aguas residuales fétidas, rodeado de suciedad y desesperación. Desamparado y carente de fuerzas,…

Leo The Maine Coon: el rey del reino felino (¡y sus hermanos lo saben muy bien!)

  En Chicago vive un felino Maine Coon que destila realeza. Se adorna con exquisitas coronas hechas con las mejores flores artificiales, acentuando aún más su apariencia…

Watch the adorably adorable Pink Robin; it is a real treat.

Small and vividly coloured, the Pink Robin, often called the Rose Robin, is a native of southeast Australia. Due to its distinctive pink colouring, this endearing bird…

Descubra estos encantadores gatos de Bengala que buscan un hogar definitivo en estas fiestas.

  Estos queridos felinos están a la caza de una residencia amorosa y permanente. ¿Estás buscando agregar un poco de amor peludo a tu hogar en estas…

“Mighty Meow: El gato de 40 libras en una misión para perder 10 libras y encontrar un hogar amoroso”

Meow, un gato grande con pelaje atigrado naranja y blanco, tiene una forma única de caminar debido a su peso. A los dos años pesa casi 40…

“Feathered Marvels: Discover the Exotic Beauty of Gamebirds with Ornate Orange Head Warts, Copper Wings, and Iridescent Blue-Gold Eyespots!”

The notable features of this bird include orange nodules on its head, a copper-colored panel on its wings, and eyespots that shimmer in blue and gold hues….

“Bold and Beautiful: A Striking Bird in Yellow and Black with a Carefully Crafted Crest, Bright Blue Eyeliner, and Well-Defined Goatee”

The Plush Crested Jay stands out with its bright blue eyeliner and stylized sideburns that are carefully crafted. Its pale yellow and black suit adds to its…

Whales are cut up by Japanese fishing crew after the country resumed whaling last year amid international outcry

Pictures have emerged of a freshly-caught whale being skinned, gutted and chopped up  in Japan, a year after the country resumed whaling. Fishermen killed the 34ft long Baird’s…

Fight to reunite Orca with family after being held captive in tank for 50 years

Conservationists hope to reunite an orca with her family in the ocean after she was held in captive in a concrete tank for 50 years. Corky was…

Humpback whale almost crushes boat in bid to warn sailors away from mum and calf

This is the incredible moment a humpback whale almost crushed a tiny boat to protect a nearby mum and her calf. Don McLeish caught the awe-inspiring scene…