Abnormality In Egyptian Pharaoh DNA: Was He An Alien Hybrid?

His legacy was attempted to be erased from history by the ancient Egyptians, therefore nothing is known about him. What we do know about this emperor, though,…

Ancient Aliens Taught Egyptians Mummification To Store Corpse DNA For Cloning In Future?

Ancient Egypt was far more advanced than historical records suggest. Egypt grew to its greatest potential in the distant past, thanks to the splendor of Pharaohs. Researchers…

Lady Of Pacopampa: Woman With Elongated Skull Who Ruled In Ancient Peru 3000 Years Ago

A team of archaeologists from the Pacopampa Archaeological Project, led by renowned Japanese archaeologist Yuji Seki, uncovered a 6.8-foot-long tomb with 900-year-old remains in October 2009. Pacopampa…

Are The San Pedro Mountains Mummy And Indian Folklore’s Little Humanoid Creatures the Same?

In October 1932, two Wyoming prospectors named Cecil Mayne and Frank Carr were mining for gold in the San Pedro mountains when they discovered a little tunnel…

3 Curious Discoveries Made at The Ancient Pyramids of Teotihuacan

Rivers of liquid mercury beneath the pyramid, an underground world of tunnels, materials that are used today in electronics, and strangely carved masks are just some of…

The Enigmatic Discovery: Egypt Reveals a Gold-Tongued Mummy of Unparalleled Mystery

Kathleen Martnez, an Egyptian-Dominican archaeologist, has led an Egyptian-Dominican mission to the Taposiris Magna Cemetery, west of Alexandria, since 2005. It is a temple that could have…

5,000-Year-Old Crystal Dagger Found In A Iberian Secret Prehistoric Tomb

Throughout history, archaeologists have uncovered countless tools from early civilizations. The majority are made of stone, but a group of Spanish experts discovered incredible rock crystal weaponry….

The Unbelievable Feat: A Single Man Constructs a 2 Million-Pound Coral Castle with Pyramid Building Techniques

What method did the builders use to construct the pyramids? The most obvious solution is to employ personnel. In the mainstream, it is still unthinkable that our…

Ancient Alien Spaceship Found In Oklahoma

The following amazing story was published on a view zone site by David Campbell. It was a report about an incredible find in Oklahoma later pursued by…

Unveiling the Lost Empire: Guatemala’s Astonishing Atlantis – Mayan City Found in the Crater Lake of a Volcano

Archaeologists were able to study the ancient Mayan metropolis before a natural calamity destroyed it. Although the plans for such a trip were made years ago, it…