Tom Cruise, 60 years of the perfect American boy in James Bond style

Not exactly Born on the 4th of July, to take the title of one of his many hit films, but almost. Specifically, in Syracuse NY, he came into the world one day earlier, on the 3rd, 1962. And if the numbers don’t add up to you either, we must surrender to the evidence. Tom Cruise is 60 years old. (Almost) eight Missions Impossible , two Top Guns , one War of the Worlds , a Rain Man , a Eyes Wide Shut , a Interview with the Vampire and many other subsequent successes, the actor has achieved where others have failed: to remain the model hung in 500 thousand rooms between the 80s and 90s. 

That boy, who seemed to be looking straight in the eye from the wall, dressed in a leather jacket, a white T-shirt, a pair of stone washed Levi’s jeans and Ray-Ban Aviators, the essentials of the American style that never fades ( like him, after all), he grew up without losing his charm, style and fame. And, wow, youth.

Tom Cruise in 1985. Photo Getty


Currently the super star has pulled off his final blow. Top Gun: Maverick (in which he appears in very good shape), the second chapter of the 1986 cult, literally hit the box office worldwide, becoming his most successful film, having been able to skilfully combine the nostalgia effect (the scene with Val Kilmer is touching) to breathtaking aerobatics on modern fighter jets.

Tom Cruise in a scene from Top Gun: Maverick. Photo Courtesy Eagle Pictures


Not only success on the big screen but also an apotheosis in terms of style : on the occasion of the long press tour that is taking him around the world, Tom Cruise has always been able to show himself at his best while keeping his wardrobe simple (but never boring) , paying particular attention to the quality and wearability of the impeccable suits designed by Giorgio Armani (the maison who also dressed him in 2006 for his wedding to Katie Holmes), Ermenegildo Zegna or Brioni in classic shades of blue, black and grey.

Tom Cruise at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival. Photo Getty


Tom, moreover, never bats an eyelid in his shoes, perfectly at ease in the tuxedos made up of two or three pieces, made to measure (always very calibrated and cut to best suit his figure), with refined details, such as a tie clip or a pair of precious cufflinks, and leather and patent lace-up shoes. Looks that James Bond would also like. An inspiration for those looking for a formal and refined type of clothing, but also for those who want to dress more casually without giving up class.

Because years pass but Tom Cruise retains his action DNA (he often doesn’t use stunt doubles in his action films) and off the set he often appears wearing motorbike jackets, jeans and boots. As his stylists, Wendi & Nicole Ferreira, underlined: «We have always focused on his most iconic key pieces and to respect his identity in the photocalls we have outlined two strands, one tailored and one biker chic».

Tom Cruise on press tour for Top Gun: Maverick . Getty photo


In short, the actor’s secret is to maintain a youthful style without looking like he dresses too young.  Perennial only by birth, she still regularly appears on  best dressed lists  . After all, she is one of the most attractive stars in Hollywood whose success story inspires all aspiring actors in the world. Such is her charisma that she has established herself as an effortless  fashion icon  thanks to everything she flaunts, from formal outfits to garments casual.

And don’t be fooled if he’s wearing what might look like a simple employee sweater. Maybe it’s because he arrives surrounded by the golden charm of the Hollywood myth, maybe it’s because he has a disarming goodness (which frankly is not expected from a divine like him but which makes him even more iconic) but he manages to live up to it, despite of his not too tall stature, even with the most ordinary appearance (and the writer assures this, because he met him live). 

Tom Cruise and Roma and 2014. Photo Getty


“Are you pregnant?” (Yes, it was), he asked me when, in 2014, on a Roman terrace I was granted five minutes with him for an interview. Then he touched my belly and congratulated me. Today my almost eight-year-old son is taking a theater course and dreams of being an actor. Call it what you want, for me it’s Tom’s Power. The one who, so to speak, is capable of consigning it to history as great forever.

  • BARRY KING1985: Leather jacket + blue jeans
  • BARRY REY1985: Classic with printed shirt

    At Madonna and Sean Penn’s wedding.

  • FRANK TRAPPER/GETTY IMAGES1986: Striped suit and original tieCon Mimi Rogers.

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