In Phase 6 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the opening story introduces a dramatic turn of events involving Scarlet Witch. After being swallowed by the void, Scarlet Witch undergoes a profound transformation. Instead of emerging unscathed, she is corrupted by the void’s dark energy and becomes a cursed creature of the universe.
Scarlet Witch’s new form is now veiled in darkness, her once vibrant red costume now replaced by a foreboding black attire. The curse amplifies her powers to unimaginable levels, granting her control over reality and unleashing devastating force.
Consumed by anger and driven by her newfound darkness, Scarlet Witch seeks vengeance upon those she believes have wronged her. She sets her sights on Thanos, the powerful Titan who had caused so much suffering in the universe. With her enhanced abilities, she confronts him and, with a chilling display of power, strangles him, ending his life.
No longer content with taking revenge solely on Thanos, Scarlet Witch’s wrath extends to the Avengers themselves. Across the galaxy, she relentlessly hunts down her former allies, Thor and Doctor Strange. Using her twisted powers, she massacres them in a series of devastating confrontations, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake.
As the opening story unfolds, the galaxy is left in shock and despair. The Avengers, once Earth’s mightiest heroes, have fallen victim to the corrupted Scarlet Witch. The stage is set for a dark and tumultuous Phase 6, where the remaining heroes must grapple with the consequences of Scarlet Witch’s transformation and find a way to restore balance to the universe.