“Disclosing the startling Roman era find: the ‘Golden Treasure,’ comprising 18.5 kg of Roman gold and 2,500 sparkling pieces”

The ‘golden treasure’, consisting of 2,500 gold coins weighing 18.5 kg, is the largest hoard of Roman gold ever unearthed

The Trier Gold Hoard, the largest Roman gold hoard ever discovered, was unearthed during excavation works in 1993, nearly 1,800 years after it was buried. Comprising of 2,500 gold coins weighing 18.5 kg, the discovery caused a sensation.

The hoard was not a personal fortune but most likely an official treasury, carefully administered and grown over time.

The aurei feature a total of 27 emperors, empresses, and members of the imperial family, and some are still considered unique to this day.

The gold coins were buried in a cellar during a civil war in 196 AD.

Clodius Albinus led a revolt against Emperor Septimius Severus when he appointed his son Caracalla as his successor instead of Albinus.

The former administrator of the hoard presumably took the knowledge of the secret stash with him to the grave.

The discovery of the Trier Gold Hoard gave historians and archaeologists a glimpse of the turmoil and chaos of Roman politics and the intricate workings of the Roman treasury.

Today, the Trier Gold Hoard is exhibited in the coin collection at the Rheinisches Landesmuseum Trier. The state museum is among the largest archaeological museums in Germany and displays a total of 12,000 coins in its exhibition.

The Gold Hoard presentation room provides extensive information on the emergence of the monetary system and how ancient, medieval, and modern money has been produced.

The exhibition is a testament to the importance of the Roman Empire and its impact on modern-day society.

The Trier Gold Hoard is a valuable and unique historical artifact that provides valuable insight into the history and workings of the Roman Empire. The hoard is an excellent example of how emperors and the treasury functioned, and it provides valuable information about the monetary system of the time.

The hoard’s discovery has helped historians and archaeologists piece together the complex nature of Roman politics and economics, and it continues to provide valuable information to this day.

The Trier Gold Hoard is a symbol of the power, wealth, and complexity of the Roman Empire. The hoard’s discovery has captured the public’s imagination and has become a valuable resource for scholars and researchers.

It is a testament to the importance of preserving historical artifacts and the value they bring to our understanding of history and our place in the world.

The hoard continues to be an essential part of the rich cultural heritage of the Roman Empire and a valuable contribution to the history of humanity.

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