As one of the most popular anime series, Naruto introduced a plethora of beloved characters, both heroes, and villains. In Naruto: Shippuden, the Akatsuki, a formidable group of antagonists, takes center stage. Led by Nagato, who assumes the persona of Pain, the group nearly brings the Hidden Leaf Village to its knees using the awe-inspiring power of the Rinnegan.
Ocular jutsu, a recurring theme in Naruto, plays a pivotal role, making Nagato’s possession of the rare Rinnegan all the more significant. This article delves into the origins of Nagato’s Rinnegan and the enigmatic end goal associated with its acquisition.
In the intricate world of Naruto, ocular jutsu, or “dojutsu,” holds immense importance. The Byakugan and Sharingan, exclusive to specific clans, precede the ultra-rare Rinnegan. Only awakening in those connected to the Otsutsuki Clan or those obtaining the Sage of the Six Paths’ chakra and Mangekyo Sharingan, the Rinnegan is a coveted ability shrouded in mystery.
Nagato’s Rinnegan, a pinnacle of power, grants him mastery over all five nature transformations and the use of almost every jutsu. The Six Paths Technique, an extraordinary ability within the Rinnegan, empowers Nagato to manipulate forces like chakra absorption and revival of the deceased.
Despite the immense power Nagato wields, the source of his Rinnegan remains unclear. Flashbacks in Naruto: Shippuden reveal Nagato using the Rinnegan from a young age, leading to speculation about his birthright. However, the truth unfolds as the manipulative actions of Madara Uchiha are revealed.
Madara, aware of his limited lifespan, devises a plan to achieve world peace through the Infinite Tsukuyomi. To ensure his return in the future, he implants the Rinnegan and Rinne Rebirth technique into a manipulable vessel—Nagato. The choice of an unassuming child from the Hidden Rain Village raises questions, but Madara’s reasoning becomes apparent.
Despite Nagato not carrying the Uzumaki name, later revelations confirm him as a distant relative of Naruto and Kushina, belonging to the Uzumaki Clan. Known for their immense chakra, the Uzumaki possess natural traits such as longer lifespans and rapid recovery.
Nagato’s frail appearance belies his robust Uzumaki lineage, making him an ideal candidate for hosting the Rinnegan. Compared to more gifted shinobi like Obito Uchiha, Nagato’s body aligns better with Madara’s plans. As a baby, Madara transplants his Rinnegan into Nagato, anticipating the quiet Hidden Rain Village as a perfect hiding spot. However, unforeseen events, including the Second Great Ninja War, disrupt these plans, setting Nagato on a path that eventually forms the Akatsuki and alters the course of the ninja world.
Nagato’s journey, intertwined with the mysteries of the Rinnegan, adds layers to the Naruto narrative. The calculated choices of Madara Uchiha and the unforeseen events that shape Nagato’s destiny underscore the intricate connections within the series. As Boruto continues the legacy, the influence of ocular abilities and characters like Nagato remains a crucial aspect of the evolving ninja world.”